Memorable Experience
Whats a Memorable event? Is it a time, when there are full of happiness? Oh no..we have gone through many such happy days and we don’t remember those days fully.
Is it a day, we can’t forget, and was full of sad feelings and sorrows? No again, we don’t call such days as memorable one. In fact we try to forget about the thing soon.
Then what the hell is this Memorable event. Hmmmm I think it’s a day/ event which has happiness, sorrows, risk, adventure, care, feeling. A rare mixture of all these things.
Oh that was a memorable event…yea now I remember that day was a memorable day
It was an ordinary day, full of life and energy, Then it takes the first turn, The time to take risk, Doing a thing for the first time and that too in a hard way ….hmm definitely a risk. Took that risk, with full of confidence, my self belief didn’t let me down.
Caring and recognition, most needed things in an Individual’s life that too came in between. The day was bright, shiny. The sun smiles directly above the head. The History looking at me, Oops am I looking them. Anyway I enjoy being in the Old days and Nostalgia is my weakness.
Oops leaving the topic, the bright sun begins to fade; the smiling face of it begins to get dimmer and dimmer. Its around half past Five, the darkness slowly prevails. Tensions, anger, agony, commitment, all come as a part of the day.
You can see nothing but darkness before you, the moment which I realise the real meaning of the word “responsibility”. Thoughts have always been our best companion, as old sages said, every thing has an answer and the answer lies within you.
Thoughts come and go the mind is busy like an expert postmaster putting seals in letters like a fast machine. Thoughts are always one’s best companion, now I can see a ray of light comes from the darkness.
The small ray is now a better and bigger light, now I can feel the satisfaction; yes I handled the situation well.
SATISFACTION – That is a great word. For all the hard work you put and you get the results you wanted, there is nothing better than you can ask for.
The deadly combination of all the feelings, emotions makes it a great day
Like a perfect story, as a perfect day, all did end well. Yes, it’s a memorable day……That’s all Folks